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Are You Up To Speed?

If you blink, you’re obsolete. In fact, you’re obsolete by the time you’ve even considered whether to blink or whether you’re obsolete. Actually, it may not be that bad, but in this modern world with all its constant change and hubbub, it can sure feel that way sometimes.

So how do you stay up to speed?

Well, perhaps the most important thing is your technology. While some businesses rely on fancy tech toys more than others, there is really no getting away from the fact that you’ll need those toys somewhere along the line. Do you need a new software suite? Better database management software to track inventory? Along the way, you’ll want to check to see what the industry standard is.

Make sure that the technology does what it says it does, that you’ll be able to successfully implement it, and that yes, you do in fact need it. To get an idea of what you might need to look into, online publisher Small Business Trends has put out this handy resource.

Even the best tech won’t help you if you don’t know what’s going on in your industry.

What are the standard practices? What are the trends? Have there been any legislative changes to the industry that you need to be aware of? For the answers to these questions, trade journals may be your best friend. Which ones to read? Well that depends on your industry. To help get you started, here is a link to some of the more well-regarded trade journals.

Another great resource is consulting with your peers.

You may not have any or all of them on speed dial, but with modern technology you don’t have to. There are tons of online trade forums where you can post questions and get answers. As you gain more experience within your industry, be sure to give back by answering questions from newcomers. Not only does this build goodwill within the business community you’ve chosen to become a part of, but it gives you a chance to demonstrate your expertise to others and may lead to all sorts of unexpected networking opportunities. To get you started, here is a list of some to the best online business forums.

As well as online forums, take advantage of the many podcasts and videos out there.

Whether it’s startup questions, maximizing your marketing resources or just some inspiration from successful entrepreneurs, it’s all there. And if you have a question, chances are good that there’s a podcast that answers it. If you’re wondering where to cast off in the vast online sea of information, try this list from Entrepreneur.

Finally, don’t forget the most important people in your business: your customers.

The best and most successful entrepreneurs are also the best learners, and each and every one of your customers has something valuable to share.

Feel free to blink, and don’t worry about becoming obsolete. Keep it at bay with these resources.