Yes it's possible!
Sounds insane, right? Grow your business in ease and flow, yep, totally nuts.
Not true! I’ve grown my business in struggle and I’ve grown my business in ease and flow. I can tell you, I much prefer ease and flow. Let me explain.
on Tuesday, 21 January 2025.
Posted in Business Strategy, Insights, Life & Lifestyle

The Sales & Marketing Software for Small Business.
Customer & Marketing management: Manage and automate all facets of your customer relationships. Keap revolutionizes the way small businesses drive and manage their growth. With a robust dose of marketing automation, Keap replaces your diverse incompatible systems and provides you with an "all-in-one" solution that leaves you with more time to strategically grow your business. Click here for a free demo.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Tuesday, 14 January 2025.
Posted in Business Resources, Business Strategy, Insights, Marketing Tips
In your business and elsewhere
How can you know my worst enemy, it is not the same as yours, or the same as the next guy? Mine may be my competition, yours may be your suppliers, etc. If they are not the same, how can you give one way to defeat all different worst enemies? Right?
Nope, not right, yours is the same as mine and the same as the next guy’s. For all of us it is our Saboteurs. There are 10 of them, and we all have them….and a couple are really strong in each of us. I suppose if you want to be a Stickler (one of the saboteurs, by the way), you could say that it is different as my strongest Saboteur may be different from yours.
Left unchecked, our Saboteurs will unbeknownst to us control our lives and our decisions.
on Tuesday, 31 December 2024.
Posted in Business Strategy, Insights

FuseDesk helps you and your team WOW your customers with great service. Happy Customers stay with you longer, spend more, and spread the good word about your business.
FuseDesk was built for Your Business, Your Support Team, and Your Customers. With FuseDesk, it’s easy to get the key insights into how well your team is doing, delightful for the support team to use, and fast for customers to get care.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Tuesday, 17 December 2024.
Posted in Business Resources, Business Strategy, Insights
Business leaders frequently express frustration regarding the limited time available for strategic business thinking. Even diligent leaders, committed to appropriately prioritizing their work, find themselves engulfed in what Stephen Covey refers to as "the whirlwind"—the constant deluge of emails, requests for attention, meetings, pending presentations, and similar tasks.
This challenge impacts individuals across the board, from executives in large organizations to managers at all levels and small business owners. So, how can we overcome this? The key is to set aside one day each month fully dedicated to working ON your business rather than in it.
on Tuesday, 03 December 2024.
Posted in Business Strategy, Insights
Zacaw Website Hosting

Secure Managed
Website Hosting
Multiple layers of hacker protection including anti-sniffing, anti-spoofing firewall and intrusion detection protect your company’s valuable data and reputation. Look no further for an extremely secure and highly scalable hosting platform backed by our personal support.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Tuesday, 19 November 2024.
Posted in Business Resources, Business Strategy, Insights

Automagically Email Your Keap Contacts When You Update Your Blog or Feed
With FeedBolt, simply enter your blog URL, select a Keap Tag, and choose your template. FeedBolt takes care of the rest.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Tuesday, 05 November 2024.
Posted in Business Resources, Business Strategy, Insights