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Coach Up Your Business with a Professional Marketing Coach

If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably seen some great athletes in your time. Whether they’re scoring a touchdown, dunking a basketball or hitting a grand slam, they’re marvels of grace, speed and power. What do many of these athletes have in common? Well, they rely on their natural gifts to overcome their opposition, and of course most of them have worked incredibly hard for their success.

If you dig a little deeper however, you’ll also notice they have another trait as well. Somewhere along the line they’ve had a great coach or two. Raw athletic prowess isn’t enough. To succeed at the highest level you need skill, as that’s where a coach comes into his or her own. Coaches teach skill, but they also work to bring out the best in their charges and to put them in a position to succeed.

If it can work for sports, there’s no reason it can’t work in marketing as well. You want to put your best foot forward when you present your brand to the world, and a marketing coach can help you do just that.

In marketing, you always want to keep an eye on what’s working and what isn’t. Are you getting the response rate you want for your email campaign? Are the ads you’re placing in the trade publications working? These are the types of things you’ll need to know as you move forward. But what if it’s difficult to tell? Without a customer avatar or a clearly defined target market, your efforts may not be as precise as they need to be. Helping you determine what resonates with customers and what doesn’t is where a marketing coach can come in handy.

You have other expenses, so how much should you even spend on marketing? How valuable is each customer to your business? How much does it cost to recruit each new customer? A marketing coach can help you determine the role of your marketing in your overall business, and help you maximize your marketing budget.

Marketing is great, but it doesn’t do you any good if no one sees it. Even if it is viewed, you’re wasting the benefits if it’s reaching the wrong group. No matter what it is, your product or service will have a target market. Is your marketing reaching those people? If it does, is it having the desired effect? A marketing coach can help you better identify your perfect customer, so your advertising hits its mark.

Another great thing about a marketing coach is that it gives you an experienced person to bounce ideas off of. Is a holiday email campaign the right move? What are the benefits? What about the drawbacks? A marketing coach isn’t there to critique you. Instead their job is to listen and to provide you powerful, informed feedback, a critical component of any endeavor.

A marketing coach can be an incredibly valuable resource for your business. As a matter of fact, if you’re already an Infusionsoft user, finding one can be a breeze. Simply go to our mentoring program and you have access to the expert advice you’ll need to take your business to the next level.