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Do You Have a Creative Spring Marketing Plan?

It’s been a long, cold winter. You’ve sat with an annoying chill right between your shoulder blades more times than you can count, and the heavy coat that seemed so fashionable at the beginning of the season now seems like a big weight you have to carry around. When you see the first crocus poking up through the snowy ground, you’re barely able to contain your excitement.

In other words, you’re ready for spring!

Hopefully your marketing plan is too. With winter finally beginning to fade, it’s time to give your marketing operations a good spring cleaning. It’s time to get creative and celebrate the new season.

Add some life to your marketing campaign. If you’re full of excitement and energy in the spring, chances are your customers are too. Make sure your marketing campaign reflects the season. Introduce lively colors and themes. Use lots of action words in your copy. Try to infuse the euphoria you felt when you saw that first crocus into every aspect of your marketing.

Out with the old. Spring is a time of renewal, so take the opportunity to take stock of your product or service lines and your marketing. Do any of your products or services need an update? Or a new look? Is it time to retire some of them? Which of your marketing campaigns were successful, and which ones fell flat? The beginning of the year is a perfect time to do some spring cleaning.

In with the new. If spring is the time for renewal, it means it’s also time to try some new things. People are more energetic and daring when they’re feeling the warm breezes of April than when they’re shivering in the icy blasts of November, so take advantage of that spirit of adventure by offering up some new products.

Offer specific tax incentives. Spring might mean blue skies and warm sun, but it also means tax time. Many of your customers are going to be getting refunds from their state and federal returns, which means they have money to spend. Direct some of that spending in your door with specials and promotions. Offer them a coupon with discounts to use in March when refunds are being issued.

There are plenty of spring holidays to choose from. While they don’t have the retail grandeur of Christmas, each one is a marketing opportunity. You have Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day for starters, and then of course there’s graduation season and Easter as well.

You’ll want to choose your spring marketing themes carefully and pick holidays that complement your existing businesses, but with a little work and creativity you’re sure to find the right way to ring in the spring with style.