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Happy Holidays from the Future!

When we think of the holidays, we often find ourselves reminiscing on the past, while the only future we consider is that “there are ‘X’ number of shopping days till Christmas”. But according to many scientists, our Christmases Yet-to-Come promise some amazing new wonders. Let’s look at the predictions that could be coming true in the next ten years:

  • Texting by thinking! As soon as 2020 we could be putting down our phones and using our brain power to send messages. Do you think Grandma's texts will still be a garbled mess?

  • It won't be many years till we’ll be able to stuff a genetically improved “super” banana in our stockings. These bananas will be packed with micronutrients, notably vitamin A, in an effort to provide better nutrition around the world.

  • If all you want for Christmas is the latest and greatest new TV, your future is looking good. And in 3-D no less! Soon every home will have a holographic television. The holodeck—Star Trek's room with projected holograms that characters interact with—will soon be a reality!

  • The best holidays are those we can spend with our loved ones, and it looks like the future will allow us to do just that. Heart-related deaths and lung cancer will surely decrease once public smoking is banned across every U.S. state (predicted for 2020). An artificial kidney will soon be available, and new treatments for Alzheimer's disease are on the horizon along with brain implants to help restore lost memories.

  • By 2024 we'll be using 3D printing technology to produce our own clothing! Sure, it will put sweatshops out of business, but imagine the creative gifts we'll be receiving from our teens!

  • Several extinct species of plants and animals will be resurrected, thanks to modern science. Yes that’s right— there may be a dodo bird coming to a Christmas near you!

  • And finally—FINALLY! FLYING CARS! They've been promising us flying cars since ‘The Jetsons’, and it looks like we'll be getting them as soon as 2021. Well, maybe you will. I may not have the $280,000 saved up by then.

What a wonderful gift knowing that our holidays-yet-to-come are so full of hope and promise. May all of your holidays be bright— now and in the future.

P.S. Success in business depends on being ahead of the curve. How can you use these predictions and trends to jump ahead of your competition?