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Is it Time to Reinvent Yourself?

Reinventing yourself is hard. Sure, some famous entertainers like David Bowie managed to do it every few years, and, of course, politicians try to do it all the time, but it can be a tough challenge. Just ask any child actor who couldn’t convince the public to think of them as anything but a cute kid, or ask a teenage sensation who couldn’t make the transition to adult acting.

Just because it’s a challenge, doesn’t mean it can’t be done though.

Reinvention often stems from one of two things: either you’ve had a revelation or an awakening of sorts that’s changed your entire world view, or you’ve hit rock bottom and come to realize your old way of doing things won’t work any longer. It’s more than just a passing fancy. Reinventing yourself takes real commitment and an earnest desire to make fundamental change. You’re not merely making some minor course corrections or fine-tuning a few things. You’re making a substantial overhaul. Is that something you want to do? Do you need to do it? Are you prepared for the consequences and for the opportunity costs that go along with it?

Reinvention isn’t about running away though, it’s about running toward. To successfully reinvent yourself, you’ll need to create a vision for your future. Think about this:

Where is it you’re trying to get to?

And why are you trying to get there?

The more accurately you can answer these two questions, the clearer your vision of the future will be and the more likely you will be to realize it. Take the time to think it through. Write it down in as much detail as you can. Think about how you’ll feel, what you’ll see and what you want to be able to do.

While pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is admirable, there is also wisdom in putting yourself in a position to succeed. Make things easier on yourself by putting up reminders of where you want to go. These reminders can be anything from motivational quotes, to knick-knacks, to changing the color of your room. When adversity comes (and it will), these reminders will help keep you on the right track.

You don’t have to make the journey alone. A companion or a coach can be an invaluable asset along the way. Don’t hesitate to seek out advice from those you trust and to look for a mentor. Luke Skywalker had Obi-wan and Yoda, so there’s no reason you can’t either. Surround yourself with people that will help you get where you want to go, and avoid people and things that threaten to drag you backward. One of the hardest things about reinventing yourself is you’ll often have to leave old associations and friends behind.

Reinvention is really about making a decision to start looking at the world in a different way. Even if you don’t feel like your life needs a major overhaul, you can still make positive changes to your life. In a sense we reinvent ourselves in small ways every day, so make today count.

Good news! All this applies if you are reinventing your business too.