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Preventing the Summer Marketing Slump

Summer marketing slump. These are words no marketer wants to hear, but during the summer months it’s an unfortunate reality many marketers face. The weather is warm, and those who aren’t on vacation are thinking about it. There are a hundred and one different activities your potential customers can be doing— hiking, biking, swimming, picnicking— pretty much anything other than concentrating on what you’re trying to sell them.

Summer may have its own challenges for marketers, but a slump doesn’t have to be inevitable. Here are some ways you can avoid it:

Take advantage of the weather. It’s warm and sunny. Some part of you longs to leave the office behind and go out and enjoy it. So do it. The summer weather means there will be festivals, conventions and outdoor marketing events, so there’s no reason you should be sitting in an office when you can be out promoting your brand.

Market around the summer holidays. The big U.S. summer holidays include Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day, and each one provides unique marketing opportunities. But you don’t have to stop there. Summer is also a time for high school and college graduations, weddings and vacations. Create a summer campaign strategy that leverages these things and then find a way to reach your potential customers. (Pro tip: Even though Memorial Day and Independence Day are behind us for 2017, put them on your marketing calendar now for 2018 and get a jumpstart with your planning.)

Go mobile. You’ve heard time and time again how your marketing needs to be mobile friendly, and summer time is no exception. In fact, since more people are going to be out and about, it’s even more critical. With so many other summer distractions, you’ll have even less time than usual to get their attention, so design your marketing to be straight to the point.

Experiment. If you do have a lull, use it to test out new ideas or to try some marketing experiments. Now might be a great time to test market a new product or service. Try changing things up with some new processes or procedures or maybe integrating that new software upgrade you’ve been putting off.

Do a content overhaul. Take some time to review your marketing plan. Have your marketing banners and images started to look a little dated? Does your website or your social media presence need a good housecleaning? Consider redoing things and updating your online content.

Get more personal. If you have less traffic walking through the door (physical or virtual door, that is), try to give each customer more attention. Get to know them again and reevaluate their needs. Everyone likes extra personal attention. If you offer multiple products, it can also be a great chance to upsell, particularly if you have a discount or a special going on.

The summer marketing slump may be a thing, but it doesn’t have to be your thing. By staying active, updating your content and taking advantage of the summer weather, you can make this summer a marketing season to remember.