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The art of balance

Balancing our priorities between personal life and professional life can be a huge headache. But still, we continue to ride the seesaw.

Here’s the issue in a nutshell:

We love working in our business, seeing it grow, and being grateful for the customers and clients we serve. But… we also love our family and friends, our hobbies and passions. Oh sure, and let’s not forget sleep, food, and relaxation.

It’s a wonder we get it all done in 24 hours. Some days we don’t.

With the July 4th holiday approaching, I gave this a lot of thought over the past couple of weeks to identify how I set my own priorities to create balance in my life.

Here’s what I realized. Subconsciously, and now consciously since I figured it out, I evaluate the seesaw in my head. The particular work-related priority or priorities on one side, the particular personal or life-related priority or priorities on the other. I visualize what will happen if the seesaw tips one way. Then I visualize what will happen if it tips the other way.

The consequences of either ‘tip’ get clear really quickly using this technique. Simplified, it’s like deciding if you’ll eat that piece of chocolate cake, or not.

Try it the next time you’re faced with a seemingly impossible choice between life and work.

In the meantime, enjoy every minute of your holiday!