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When Do You Work ‘On’ Your Business?

Have you ever played Whack-a-Mole? It’s an old but simple game where players take a mallet and try to strike toy moles as they pop up from underneath the board. As soon as the player has successfully “whacked” a mole, it disappears and another pops up somewhere else on the board.

It can often be a frustrating and monotonous game.

Does it sometimes feel as if running your business is like playing Whack-a-mole? You hurry around solving one problem after another, putting out one fire after another only to have yet another immediately take its place. Maybe the solution is spending time working ‘on’ your business rather than ‘in’ your business. That one simple preposition can make all the difference.

If you’re not familiar with the terms, working ‘in’ your business is exactly that. You’re right on the front lines, handling requests, fulfilling orders, answering client questions and doing anything and everything to make sure your business runs smoothly on any given day.

Working ‘on’ your business means stepping back from the front lines and thinking more like a general. It’s during this time when you look at the big picture and make plans for the future. It’s where you consider upgrades and new ways of doing things and ask yourself questions like: “where do I want my company to be in five years?”

Time spent working ‘on’ your business can help you anticipate problems before they arise. It can keep you from becoming bogged down in minutiae and losing your focus. In other words, it’s the perfect way to whack the moles before they pop up.

This type of time is also one of the hardest to find. Whether it’s a copier that breaks down at the worst possible time or a shipment that got mislaid on the way to its destination, there is always something going on that demands your attention. Chances are you won’t find the time unless you make the time.

Set aside a few minutes each day, or maybe schedule a block of time once a week where you can look at the larger picture. Put it on your calendar so you remember it, and if you have staff, post it on the door so they know not to disturb you. Free yourself from distractions like emails or calls, and, when possible, delegate tasks so you can spend the time strategizing and building the best business you can.

Those moments may be some of the most valuable you spend. If you’re wondering how you can find the time, ask yourself instead how you can afford not to. Your business is your vision, your masterpiece. Would you rather spend your time painting it or endlessly whacking moles?

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