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Who Keeps Your Website Current?

You know you need a strong online presence and so you’ve created great content. You also have strong visuals and even some great video to go with it. That’s only part of the equation, however. You still need to upload it to your site in a timely manner, and it needs to look good when it goes live. If there are any formatting issues or long load times, it could blunt the impact of your message, or worse, cause it to be ignored altogether. If that weren’t enough, your content needs to look good on all sorts of different cellphones, tablets and desktops. It also needs to be SEO-friendly, otherwise Google may bury it.

There’s a lot that goes into making and maintaining a great website. Who does yours? Do you rely on freelancers, or do you have a close friend or relative handle it? Do you already do business with a web design company? If not, should you?

Here are some of the pros and cons of the different options available to you.

Doing It Yourself (DIY):

If you’re short on funds or want to spend your limited resources elsewhere, this may be the way to go. The downside is that it takes up time that may be better spent elsewhere. There are also the results to consider. Are you a web design expert? If not, how long would it take you to become one? Do you have the time to stay current on the latest and greatest templates, plug-ins or extensions and updates?

Hire Someone In-House:

If you can find the right person for the job, it can take some of the load off your shoulders. Chances are the person you hired knows a lot more about the technology than you do and can produce better quality work. You control when and how they work and you can make sure they have the same vision for your company as you do. On the other hand, finding and keeping the right person may take some time and once you’ve found them, you have to keep them happy.


If you need something specific done, hiring a freelancer may be the perfect solution. You can bring them in for a particular project and then part ways with a minimum of fuss. Of course, not all freelancers are created equal, and since they’re working outside your company, they may not understand your vision or how you do business.

A Full Service Company:

A good website design company will have all the skilled professionals you need, they’ll be trained in the latest technologies and they’ll have the capability to handle your company’s website needs from top to bottom. In addition, they’ll know how to act professionally and will be available if you have problems. Website design companies can be expensive and may not represent good value for your needs, depending on your budget, how long you’ve been in business, your goals and your timeline.

Some of our clients have come to us as start-ups, while many are established businesses who recognize and understand their needs and are ready to move forward.

Given the importance of your website design to your overall business success, the path you take to handle your web design needs will go a long way in determining your success. A great looking website is the centerpiece of your marketing campaign, so whether you choose to handle it yourself or hire it out to the pros, make sure it looks its best.