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Will You Be My Valentine?

Back in our school days we probably remember giving a valentine to that special someone and hoping they felt the same way about us. It might have had flowers and bows (or even snakes and snails), but it was given with love and all the sincerity in our young hearts. We were marketing ourselves even then, though we might not have known it at the time.

So this Valentine’s Day, capture some of those warm feelings with these marketing ideas:

Show some love. Brand your site with a Valentine’s Day theme. That branding might include red and pink colors as well as some hearts and maybe a cherub or two. Use romantic images for some of your backgrounds and don’t forget to enhance your logo with a holiday theme.

Show some love… for others. There’s nothing like spreading the good feelings. Pick a charity to sponsor so your customers have an opportunity to show their support.

Become a gift expert. We might love that special someone, but we sometimes have no idea what to get them. We don’t even know where to start, but we better come up with something fast! Make a quick video with gift ideas or design a gift-guide to help. The romance you save might be your customer’s.  

Create some Valentine’s Day themed products. Ideas for these products may come easily if you sell flowers, own a gift shop or a restaurant, but even if you’re in the recycling business you can still be creative. Valentine’s Day is about love, but not always romantic love. Find a theme and run with it. For example: “Show your love for the environment” (or puppies, kittens, your neighbor, etc.)

Two is better than one. Offer your products in sets like ‘His and Hers’ gift packages. You’re sure to find a pairing that naturally goes together. Alternatively, you can also offer 2-for-1 specials during the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. Offering these discounts through a site like Groupon is a great way to get the word out.

Try something completely different. You won’t be the only one trying to make Valentine’s Day a part of your marketing, so if you’re worried about getting lost in the crowd, why not try something out of the ordinary? Mix up your holiday themes. Maybe try a ‘Romantic Christmas’ or work in a Halloween theme for some ‘Wickedly Sweet Romance.’ It takes a little more work, but it’s sure to make your marketing stand out.

Love stinks. Not everyone is a big fan of Valentine’s Day. In fact, there’s been a small but growing anti-Valentine movement among young singles for some time. Don’t forget this group. A little reverse marketing might be just the thing to woo them.

Whatever you choose, don’t let love pass you by. Whether it’s hearts or flowers, a box of digital chocolates or something completely off the wall, create some great holiday marketing and share the love with your customers.