Exercising in Hot Weather

Summer already? It was such a short time ago that some of us had two, three, or as much as four feet of snow in our yards. Now that the weather is heating up, make sure you're prepared for the high temperatures.
Start slow. You can't start exercising in the heat without a little preparation. Shorter workouts outdoors are in order, until you've acclimated yourself to the hot weather.
Wear the right stuff. Light, breathable fabrics in white or another light color will make your workout more comfortable. Don't forego the proper footwear in favor of cooler options—you still need support.
Water's the thing. Drink plenty before, during, and after your workout. It's often suggested to drink some water about every 15 minutes. If you're concerned that you have gotten particularly overheated, grab a sports drink in addition to the water to get those needed electrolytes.
Keep that fun in the sun to a minimum. Avoid exercising during the hottest times of the day, which is also when those UV rays are at their most potent. Don't forget that early morning and late afternoon workouts still require that you wear sunscreen.
Be smart. Seek out a shady area if you feel you're getting too much sun. Be sure to carry your phone with you in case of an emergency.
Working out in the heat may seem daunting, but it can burn more calories and fat than working out in the winter. But if you think it's too hot out there, don't let that stop you from exercising—you can still take it indoors.