Focus. Period.

You can’t focus on a goal that you haven’t set yet or that doesn’t motivate you, so that’s the first step. What are you setting your goal for? Yourself? Your business? A new product or service?
We developed a simple tool to help our clients through the process, which we will share with you today.
Sometimes a simple tool or accountability partner helps you wrap your mind around the goal process and stay focused. Some of our clients hire us to help them map out a plan to reach their goals and then (critical for them) to actively keep them accountable.
Set Concrete Goals
Setting goals helps you be accountable to yourself and also increases accountability within your circle, whether that circle includes your family, coach, or colleagues. Clear, measurable goals mapped at the beginning of a project will also help you determine how your project will work and what role anyone in your circle might play.
Track Your Metrics
Once goals are set, you can track your progress on a simple chart or spreadsheet, with time intervals on the left and metrics along the top or bottom. Do it on the computer or a piece of paper or even a whiteboard. It doesn’t matter what method or device you use. The power is that it’s visual.
Here’s a simple checklist to walk you through the process. If we can help, let us know.