Is your list in a buying mood?

You bet they are. It’s the holiday season, after all.
Local and online retailers have been very busy boosting buying morale this season and, as a small business owner or entrepreneur, you can ride their coattails.
Take a few minutes to think about what you offer that your clients/customers/patients or prospects would ‘click to buy’ or take a trip to your location to purchase.
Is it a product, or service? Something they can give as a corporate or personal gift? Something they’ve been clamoring for but balk at the price? Is there a way to create a holiday bundle of some of your products? How about a partnership with a business that offers a complementary product or service?
The possibilities are endless and I encourage you to think creatively. When you decide on what to offer, you can move on to the ‘how’.
Be creative there too. You’ll need to stand out from the crowd and be very, very focused in what you say and who you say it to. Don’t fall into the trap of saying or doing what everyone else is saying or doing.
Be a ‘lone reed’. And give them what they simply cannot live without.
Happy holidays!