Spelling Counts in Copywriting

Good copy is written for a specific audience—meaning, in a way that is relatable to those you are trying to attract. Often, this means writing in a colloquial manner, or in a way that reflects how your audience speaks, rather than adhering to formal English rules. But remember: Casual is not a synonym for incorrect. While it’s important to connect with your audience, it is essential to do so in a way that does not take a hit to your credibility.
Spelling Mistakes Could Cost You
Spelling and grammar mistakes will significantly decrease the effectiveness of your copy.
Think about it. Would you hire a lawyer who misspells ‘malpractice’ and other common law keywords on their website? Mistakes look unprofessional. (Especially when we have resources like Spell Check and Grammarly at our disposal.) And if that lawyer doesn’t care about the details on his website, think about all the other details he might let slip on your case.
The quality of the copy on your website and other marketing materials is an indication of your competency, trustworthiness, and professionalism.
Proofreading is Key
The most important step in copywriting is editing—for spelling, grammar, flow, content, and value. We are all human and even the best copywriters make mistakes sometimes, so it’s important to go back and check your work.
Take a Refresher Course
If you’re having trouble remembering the spelling and grammar rules you learned in school, don’t fret. There’s an app for that!
There are also online courses, search engine extensions, continuing education classes, books, podcasts and other resources to help you improve your skills.
Leave it to the Experts
If writing, spelling and grammar aren’t your thing, that’s okay. We all have different talents.
Hiring a copywriter and/or editor will allow the quality of your knowledge and business services to reflect in your marketing copy. Additionally, a second set of eyes and an outside perspective on your business can be an extremely valuable tool. And, by taking content creation off of your plate, you can focus on what you’re really good at—running your business.
If you’re still feeling a little overwhelmed about the copywriting process, or you feel that your marketing content needs an overhaul, Zacaw is here to help. Contact us now.