Spooky Halloween Trivia

Spooks and spirits, ghosts and ghouls, leering pumpkins and enough candy flowing around to fill a dump truck. If you’re seeing any of these things in your neighborhood, it can only mean it’s time for everyone’s favorite scary holiday. Want to find out some unusual facts about this holiday that’s become the biggest commercial sales event this side of Christmas? Read on to find out.
- You just go to the door and ask for treats, right? Well, it didn’t used to be that easy. Back in the Middle Ages, it was customary to sing and dance for your Halloween goodies.
- Your haunted house might have some super-sized competition. Listed by Guinness World Records as the world’s longest haunted house, the Haunted Cave in Lewisburg, Ohio is 3,564 feet of spooky fun.
- It’s no secret people like candy corn. In fact, nearly 35 million pounds of it are produced each year.
- Writing Halloween poetry can be tricky sometimes, since there aren’t any words in the dictionary that directly rhyme with orange, the color of pumpkins.
- The first city in the U.S. to celebrate Halloween was Anoka, Minnesota in 1921.
- Halloween is about love. Really? Yep, traditions like apple bobbing were an important part of matchmaking in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, and women would often eat sweets before going to bed so they could dream of their future husband.
- Illinois, California, New York, and Ohio produce more than 100 million pounds of pumpkins each year.
So there you go. Have a safe and happy Halloween.