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Time Management Apps That Really Work

Time management is an essential skill for anyone whose goal is to run a successful business. So, we put together a list of time management apps that really work and will help you to become more effective, efficient and happier (because all of your work will be done).


Forget the old-fashioned paper planners, there’s an app for that now! Timely allows you to plan out your work week in advance and estimate the time it will take you to complete daily tasks. As you track time, you’ll be able to compare your predictions to actual time logs, and then plan out your schedule more accurately in the going forward.


Like other project management apps, ProofHub provides a central location to store all of your company’s projects and tasks. But unlike the others, it improves communication and productivity, organizes files, and expedites your processes. The app will help you and your team become more competitive in your industry, which will allow your company to thrive and grow.

Rescue Time

If you tend to get distracted easily and need to find ways to get your work done faster, Rescue Time can provide you with valuable insight. The app analyzes all of your activity, including which apps you spend time on and how long you scroll through your favorite websites. Once you are conscious of the ways in which you are wasting time, it is easier to change your habits. The app also stops you from wasting time by sending alerts when you take too long on certain tasks.

Focus Booster

Manage and track your time, improve productivity and stay focused longer with Focus Booster. The app uses the Pomodoro Technique, which is a time management method created in the 1990s that emphasizes timing your work and taking breaks. Under this method, you work in 25-minute intervals on one specific task, known as pomodoros, and then take a 5-minute break. After four pomodoros, you can take breaks of 15 to 30 minutes.


Have you ever wished that there was just one app that could do everything? Well, now there is! Workflow allows you to combine your favorite features from all of your apps. Boost productivity and save time by using the app to create shortcuts and automate complex tasks that you perform frequently.

Using just one of the apps above is sure to improve your time management skills and result in better business outcomes for your company.