Transform your Stress Into Success
Stressed Business Owner? Live with ease and flow

Does this sound familiar? You are stressed to the max with running your small business, wearing too many hats all at the same time. Wishing there were 30 hours in every day, 8 days in the week? I’ve been there! As a business owner for over 30 years and, for the vast majority of them, I was stressed to the max! Not only with the business itself, but how to have balance in my life between work, family, and leisure, etc.
“Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy.”
What if I told you that you are the cause of that stress? What if I told you that all your negative emotions including your stress are caused by your own internal saboteurs that have been with you since childhood?
What if I told you that by increasing your Mental Fitness can make all the difference and will reduce or even take away all that stress?
Hard to believe, so read on, ‘McDuff’, to find out more.
Self Sabotage vs Self Mastery
We all have both, and we flow from one to the other and back again throughout our lives (even minute to minute)….the key is to stay in the Self Mastery realm as much as possible and out of the Self Sabotage realm as much as possible.
The key is Mental Fitness. Like increased Physical Fitness allows you to walk longer without your heart rate spiking, increased Mental Fitness allows you to be in self mastery without your self sabotage spiking.
How do we learn to move from one to the other?
That is the key isn’t it? If we could move from self sabotage to self mastery and stay there longer, we could handle more without a problem and be calm with it.
Look, let me be frank here, we all have internal saboteurs that have been with us since childhood. They cause us to look at the world through dirty glasses. We can never eliminate them, but we can learn to recognize them and not let them control our responses to life situations.
Like going to the gym to run, lift weights, stretch for your physical fitness, there is a program to do all of that for your mental fitness. When I found it, my world was rocked! I jumped in with both feet and learned it, did it, studied it, and finally became a coach in it. I am now using these skills to work with other small business owners so they can learn the system also and apply it to their business and to their life.
The program is called Positive Intelligence™ and as a PQ Coach™, I’m offering you a free discovery call with me and an insightful free assessment. We will discuss the results of your assessment on our call.
Go to Saboteur Discovery Session and book your free call then take the 10-minute assessment. It’s eye-opening, I promise! I’m looking forward to talking with you soon.