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Yes, it that time of year again, when ghouls and goblins prowl. It’s also the time of year when many companies do big business. Surprisingly, Halloween has risen to become the biggest adult holiday of the year. Temporary Halloween stores are on the rise. Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are cashing in by sponsoring Halloween related events. And it’s not just limited to particular industries. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), 148 million Americans will take part in some sort of Halloween celebration this year. In 2013, the NRF estimated Halloween spending in the U.S. alone at around $8 billion. The average U.S. consumer is expected to shell out $80 on costumes, candy and decorations.

That’s a lot of trick-or-treating.

So, with all the attention it’s generating, what are you doing to tie Halloween into your marketing? Even if you’re not planning to host a huge holiday party, there are many different ways to tailor your marketing efforts. Here are just a few:

  • Use color. Orange and black are eye-catching and fit right in with the Halloween spirit. Even a normal newspaper or online ad in Halloween colors will garner extra attention. 
  • Sponsor an event. Many schools, local organizations, and communities have Halloween functions. Helping to sponsor one is a good opportunity for exposure.
  • Halloween themed displays. If you have a brick and mortar store, a stylish and memorable Halloween display can help draw traffic your way.  Make ‘em laugh and get their attention!
  • Offer some related content on your website. We all know the importance of key words when we’re searching for something on the Internet. Many people will be typing Halloween related words into their search engines. With some quality seasonal content, you can increase the chances of new customers finding your site when they search for Halloween related items. 
  • Halloween contests or giveaways. Depending on your industry, you might consider hosting a costume or art contest and offering discounts or coupons to the winners. 

While successful marketing is a year-round job, adjusting your efforts to match the season can pay big dividends. After all, if consumers are willing to drop billions a year on Halloween, why shouldn’t some of that spending be at your business?