Your goal during the holidays should be to enjoy yourself and your loved ones, but that's practically impossible to do if you're feeling too much stress. Here are some things you can do to prevent that anxiety from spoiling your good times:
1. Pay attention to your health.
Too many projects and activities can stress anyone out, but don't let them keep you from taking care of yourself. Make sure you're getting plenty of sleep, eating properly, and exercising. Combat winter's dry air by taking steamy showers. Dress warmly and appropriately during cold weather. There's nothing like getting sick to take all the fun out of the holiday season.
on Tuesday, 15 December 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
For many of us, Thanksgiving is a time to relax— particularly after we’ve eaten a second helping of turkey and dressing and ‘tested’ the pumpkin pie once more just to make sure it still tastes like it did the first time.
Thanksgiving is also a time for friends, family and fun. From the comforts of our table to the annual holiday spectacles like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Dallas Cowboys’ yearly tilt, Thanksgiving has a lot to offer. With all the hustle and bustle of the day, it can be easy for us to forget another important part of Thanksgiving: giving thanks.
on Tuesday, 24 November 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
According to the New York Times, the 2014 elections had the “worst voter turnout in 72 years.” They went on to say “the national turnout was 36.3 percent; only the 1942 federal election had a lower participation rate at 33.9 percent.”
Did YOU vote last year?
What does it matter, you ask? “There are millions of people in this country, and I’m just one vote.”
on Tuesday, 03 November 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
This is going to be AMAZING!!
If you were to describe your life at the moment, how many of us would use the word ‘busy.’ How many of you have never ending ‘to-do’ lists?
If someone asks you how you are – How many of you would reply ‘Good….but busy.’ Why are we so obsessed with packing our schedules, thinking a mile a minute, rushing around with no time to stop and smell the roses? There is an obsession with needing to do something all of the time, a cultural badge of honour. It’s not unusual to wake up and scroll through your feeds before even saying ‘Good morning’ to the person lying next to you, or checking in with yourself.
As a society we have never worked more hours in a week than we do now; we have never pushed ourselves so hard. Our list of things ‘to do’ never ends - it just keeps getting bigger. And are we happier for it?
When was the last time you just sat and did nothing? Reflected? Took time out for yourself just to ‘be’?
If this resonates with you or you’ve ever found yourself feeling stuck in cycles of stress, dissatisfaction and discontent, or unsure how to simply relax and find some inner peace, then the practice of mindfulness is for you.
Mindfulness is the art of living in the moment, rather than 2 minutes ahead or 2 weeks behind. This style of thinking allows you to wholly experience everything in your life; taking time to focus on the present. The benefits don’t stop there. It’s also been found to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone), it allows you to handle stress better, and more recently, ‘mindful eating’ has been linked to weight loss.
So, how can I get involved?
Melli O’Brien, of, presents The Mindfulness Summit; 31 Days of Mindfulness a FREE 31-day online summit this October 1-31st designed to bring mindfulness to everyone, giving you the opportunity to learn mindfulness from the comfort of your own home, from some of the world’s most respected teachers.
on Tuesday, 29 September 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
There are people in this country who work hard every day
Not for fame or fortune do they strive
But the fruits of their labor are worth more than their pay
And it's time a few of them were recognized
Hello, America. Let me thank you for your time
- Alabama
Do you remember learning about Labor Day in school? An American holiday since the 1880s, it celebrates what workers can accomplish together when they organize. Unions and the labor movement fought for things like Social Security, the 8-hour workday, unemployment insurance, and against child labor. While unions are on the decline nowadays, the American Worker is still out there, more often in the form of a self-employed individual, exhibiting that same spirit of risk-taking, ambition, and hard work that put Labor Day on the calendar.
on Tuesday, 01 September 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle
This originally came to me from a friend and fellow ICP, Wes Schaeffer - The Sales Whisperer. Used with permission.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling
which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.
The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight,
nothing which is more important than his own personal safety,
is a miserable creature
and has no chance of being free
unless made and kept so
by the exertions
of better men than himself.
~John Stuart Mill
April 19, 1775 to September 3, 1783 is 3,059 days.
Written by Dom Cassone
on Thursday, 02 July 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
freedom lifestyle
When we left for Pine Point Beach in Maine for a few days of R&R, I had high hopes of doing some research I’d been wanting to do in between relaxing on the beach and generally chilling out.
That was Tuesday.
On Sunday, I was shocked to realize our time away was slipping like sand through an hourglass. I completed only about ¼ of my research and didn’t really start relaxing until Friday. Clearly my plans and my execution were not in sync.
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Wednesday, 17 June 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle
We come across these headlines all the time: “How Your Desk Job is Killing You,” “10 Easy Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk” or “Boost Your Energy at Work with Three Simple Stretches”. And then we make a mental note that we really should do something about them and we file them away in the back of our minds. Meanwhile, we continue to suffer from poor posture, low energy and a myriad of other complaints.
Today is the day to change it up! I started a few weeks ago and I’m loving the difference.
One issue some have with working out at our desks is how to fit exercise into our workday, when it seems there isn't enough time to get our work done as it is. Phone reminders are easily set, as are discreet reminders on your computer. (And just as easily ignored!)
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Tuesday, 26 May 2015.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle