5 Killer Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could toss extra pounds we've gained over the holidays in the trash along with the Thanksgiving turkey carcass? If only we could take off the weight as easily as we can take down the decorations!
The easiest way to lose weight after the holidays is to avoid putting it on in the first place. “Easy??!!” you ask. “But—but--pumpkin pie! Grandma's fudge! And Mom's wonderful lumpy mashed potatoes!!!” So how can you have your cakes (and pies, and other treats) and eat them too?
- Weigh yourself more often. Keep a closer eye on that bottom line and you won't be as tempted to make your bottom bigger!
- Avoid large meals late at night and get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep is related to weight gain.
- Between office parties and family celebrations, there are plenty of opportunities to blow a diet. Bring your own healthy contribution to the meal. And don’t arrive hungry - have a glass of water and a healthy snack before you leave home.
- Limit your TV watching. Those favorite holiday movies may cause unnecessary mindless snacking, and those food commercials don't help.
- If you're being tempted by larger portions by a family member, ask to take a plate home for later and promptly freeze it. Same thing with leftovers at your house—freeze it so you won't be tempted. It'll be there later.
Most of all: focus on the fun, not the food, during the festivities. Pay attention to the conversations, take photos, play games, sing, dance—just enjoy yourself!