Defeat Your Own Worst Enemy

In your business and elsewhere
How can you know my worst enemy, it is not the same as yours, or the same as the next guy? Mine may be my competition, yours may be your suppliers, etc. If they are not the same, how can you give one way to defeat all different worst enemies? Right?
Nope, not right, yours is the same as mine and the same as the next guy’s. For all of us it is our Saboteurs. There are 10 of them, and we all have them….and a couple are really strong in each of us. I suppose if you want to be a Stickler (one of the saboteurs, by the way), you could say that it is different as my strongest Saboteur may be different from yours.
Left unchecked, our Saboteurs will unbeknownst to us control our lives and our decisions.
Not me, I’m different, I make free choices!
Yes, you do make free choices, but what is driving those free choices, fear or love? You see, Saboteurs make choices out of fear…things like anger, maybe looking bad, being perceived as being weak, letting a colleague get the upper hand, people may judge you, or you’ll negatively judge yourself, got to beat the competition at all cost, or just plain being scared. Those are all real and valuable feelings, and provide us with good information. But they are not good ways to make decisions.
Then how else do you make decisions?
You use the Sage part of your brain not the Saboteur part of your brain to make these choices. It is OK to get angry as a wake up call to a bad situation. But staying angry serves no purpose, except to give you unnecessary stress, and cloud your thinking making it difficult to come up with the best solution.
We all get hijacked by our Saboteurs, especially when we have just realized they are there. But the more you use your Sage brain, but more you are defeating your own worst enemy, your Saboteurs.
Decisions with Ease & Flow
When you use the Sage part of your brain, you make decisions with ease and flow. It is not a struggle. The stress that your Saboteurs put on you evaporates, and you become much more productive, insightful, and innovative.
Hence, you have defeated your own worst enemy!
Learning to access your Sage brain and keep your Saboteurs more at bay takes time and practice. Remember we all have Saboteurs and they will never go away.
But we all have Sage powers also and that too will never go away.
We can learn to weaken our Saboteurs influence on our lives and strengthen our Sage’s influence on our lives. Then things just get easier!
Discover What’s Holding You Back
Want to learn more about how to do that? You need the system called Positive Intelligence™ and, as a PQ Coach™, I’m offering you a free discovery call with me and an insightful free assessment. We will discuss the results of your assessment on our call.
Go to Saboteur Discovery Session and book your free call, then take the 10-minute assessment. It’s eye-opening, I promise! I’m looking forward to talking with you soon.
Dom Cassone is, at heart, an entrepreneur. Dom is the creator of JoomFuse and founder of Zacaw Enterprises Inc, a global marketing automation coaching and consulting company based in the U.S. His passion is mentoring other small business owners and as a PQ Coach™, coaching them and their teams to achieving greater success, productivity, and resilience by leveling up their mental fitness. Learn more at