Developing Good Snack Habits in Your Kids

Teaching your children healthy snack habits can pay dividends that last them a lifetime. They’ll have increased energy, better learning and lower their risk of developing health problems.
Here are some things you can do to promote good snack habits:
- Set a good example: If you’re snacking on unhealthy food, it makes it much more difficult to convince your children that they shouldn’t
- Set a regular schedule for snacks. Continuous snacking during the day may lead to overeating, but a planned snack can be part of a healthy diet.
- Have healthy snacks available. Just because it’s healthy doesn’t mean it has to taste bad. Many sites on the Internet and in cookbooks have recipes that are healthy and easy to make.
- Don’t let them snack in front of the TV. Television can be a distraction, making it difficult for them to realize they’re full.
- Don’t use food as a punishment. Withholding food may make children anxious they won’t get enough to eat and encourage them to eat as much as they can when they get the chance.
- Involve your kids in your shopping. You may not want to take them to the store with you, but they can contribute to making a list. Talking to them about snacks will help you understand what they like and give you the chance to teach them about nutrition.
How your children eat is largely up to you. By developing healthy snack habits, you can help them feel great now and in the future.