Getting Fit in the Spring

Winter is coming to an end. There’s a hint of a warm breeze and wait! Is that a crocus poking through the winter grass? Spring is finally here.
You may be tempted to go full tilt at the first hint of a nice day, particularly if you’ve been cooped up all winter, but like a car engine your body needs to warm up first.
You’ll want to start gradually. In fact, the first step to a spring exercise program may be to schedule a physical with your doctor to make sure you are ready to take it on. Once you’re cleared, pay particular attention to stretching exercises and work to build up your stamina before you take on a heavy-duty workout regimen.
Your exercise equipment may also need to be tuned up before it’s ready to be put back into action. You may even want to replace some of it. Now is the time start fresh with a new pair of running or cross-training shoes. Likewise, it may be time to upgrade the cheapie pedometer you’ve been using to a more accurate one. You might also consider trading in that old cotton t-shirt for a synthetic one, since modern fabrics do a better job of keeping you cooler and drier.
It’s spring, so there’s no reason not to get out there and enjoy it! Just be realistic about your goals when you first start out, and you’re bound to have a great (and healthy) time.