Getting the Right Nutrition

We're all aware of the tendency to overindulge our stomachs during the holidays, but what about the rest of the year, and especially now that we are quarantined? Is there something more we could be doing with our normal diet given our current circumstances?
Being home all day, whether it’s newly homeschooling or teleworking, who has time to cook? The good news is there are plenty of quick tricks you can adapt in the kitchen to have a healthy dinner ready in no time!
Use a slow cooker. Add the ingredients in the morning, and slow simmer all day. Quit work time for a meal that's ready and waiting. Soups, stews, casseroles, and more can be prepared this way - and there are plenty of great recipes available online.
One of the easiest ways to prepare your vegetables is to steam them, and if you chop those larger veggies into bite-sized pieces, it's pretty quick too. Click here for some great ideas on preparing steamed vegetables.
If you suffer from quarantine depression, you may need to increase your vitamin D and your folic acid levels. Seafood and mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, and spinach is a good source of folic acid. This spinach and seafood ravioli dish contains all three ingredients, and is sure to become your new favorite comfort food.
And don't forget those rich-in-vitamin-C citrus fruits. They're also full of fiber and antioxidants.
Who doesn’t love great food? Spending a little less time on the sofa and a little more in the warm kitchen with all those delicious cooking smells might make this season seem a lot less depressing.