Reclaim Your Time And Thrive

It's easier than you think.
Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it in your business? Is your family not getting enough attention and suffering? Are your leisure time pursuits and hobbies becoming essentially non-existent? Do you feel you do not have time to eat properly? Or time to even go to the bathroom? How about exercising? Are you getting too skinny or too fat because of your business pressures?
“Learn how to view things from a different perspective that is
much less stressful and more efficient.”
Do any of these ring true for you as you attempt to steer your business on the right and growing course? If so, I implore you to take a couple of the minutes you do not feel you have and let me introduce you to a way to get your time back and thrive while doing it.
Learning about your Saboteurs
We all have them and they often control or prompt our behavior without our being aware of it. When they are in charge, you cannot be at your best. It is not possible!
Let me ask you a few questions and see if any of these saboteur behaviors feel all too familiar:
- Do you tend to avoid difficult or unpleasant tasks and conflicts?
- Do you have a tendency to need to confront and dominate?
- Have a narrow focus on achievement to the detriment of relationships, balance, and perspective?
- Have excessive reliance on the rational function in dealing with people and emotions?
- Are you worried about too many things rather than focused on the few that truly matter?
- Are you constantly helping, pleasing, or rescuing others and losing sight of your own needs?
- Do you apply perfectionism to too many things, causing anxiety and discouragement to your self and staff?
- Do you have a constant need for busyness, but are rarely at peace with your current activity?
- Are you continuously focused on painful and deflating emotions?
- Do you often ask: What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? What is wrong with my circumstances or this outcome?
I don’t expect you to identify with all of them, but if you are honest, you do identify with at least a few. We all do — because we all have saboteurs that sometimes (or most of the time) highjack us from performing at our best.
For example, say you tend to want everything perfect so you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make them that way. You rewrite your paper several times, you have several people review it, you reword phrase after phrase so that no one would ever get to read this article.
Having high standards and being detail-oriented is good, but taken to an extreme, it costs you and your staff a lot of unnecessary time and money. Just learning when good is good enough alone will get you a ton of time back.
The key is taming your Saboteurs
What if I told you there is a proven system to not only learn about your own saboteurs, and identify when they are highjacking you? Then you’ll learn how to view things from a different perspective that is much less stressful and more efficient.
The program is Positive Intelligence and I would like to invite you to a free call and assessment to see if this seems like a good way to “reclaim your time and thrive!”
All I can say is that it made such a difference in my business and life that I committed to bring it to other business owners and teams. What do you have to lose? Ten minutes for the assessment and a 40 minute chat with me to review your results and learn more your top saboteurs and how to tame them.
The program is called Positive Intelligence™ and as a PQ Coach™, I’m offering you a free discovery call with me and an insightful free assessment. We will discuss the results of your assessment on our call.
Go to Saboteur Discovery Session and book your free call then take the 10-minute assessment. It’s eye-opening, I promise! I’m looking forward to talking with you soon.