Starting an Exercise Program When You’re Out of Shape

Starting an exercise program can be pretty daunting, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve visited the inside of a gym. The good news is that an exercise program doesn’t have to make you miserable.
Easy does it
Often when we start, we’re full of enthusiasm and overdo it. Why do 20 sit-ups when you can probably manage 50? When we wake up the next morning, we know why.
The key to starting an exercise program is to build up gradually. Even world-class athletes didn’t get that way overnight. Don’t try to do too much all at once.
Don't forget to warm up
Stretching is very important. Muscles and ligaments that haven't been used for a while may have lost some of their flexibility, especially once we get older. Many injuries that happen during exercise could have been prevented with proper stretching and warm-up routines.
Be realistic
Have a firm understanding of your goals and be reasonable in your expectations. What do you want to accomplish with your exercise program? You may never become a champion weight-lifter or a professional gymnast, but even a ten-minute walk every day can help you feel and move better.
Exercise can be a key part of a healthy lifestyle. By taking the right steps at the beginning of your exercise program, you can get make it a lasting part of your lifestyle.