Summer Bicycle Safety

It’s summertime and kids can’t wait to get out on their bikes on any sunny day. Depending on where you live, your children might already be out, buzzing around the neighborhood.
Bicycling accidents are too frequent and nothing to mess around with. Here are some safety tips for you and your kids to think about:
Wear a helmet! Your helmet should sit right above your eyebrows and be fastened tightly enough not to slip while you are riding. The best to buy? Check out this list from Consumer Reports.
Teach your kids to be street smart:
- Ride on the right side of the road, moving with traffic, and obey all traffic signs and signals.
- Discuss the best riding routes with your kids — help them determine safe places to ride near your home.
- When you reach an intersection, be sure to stop and look left, right, and then left again to check for cars — then go.
- Use hand signals to show when you're going to turn.
- Be sure to keep an eye out for rough pavement ahead so you can avoid it.
- And although you may think you can't go out without your favorite tunes, never wear headphones when you're on your bike.
Brake early! The faster you are going, the longer it takes to completely stop your bike once you hit the brakes. Science says that if you are going 20 MPH and you hit the brakes, it will take 15 FEET to stop if you are on DRY pavement, and 23 1/2 FEET if you are on WET pavement.
Have fun riding!