The art of listening

Most people believe that the key to communicating effectively is improving their speaking skills, yet listening is just as crucial to communication as speaking. Listening is often referred to as an art. But in what ways is listening so unique that we call it "art"?
Listening is not simply hearing like just sitting there and lending your ear to the person speaking. Instead of merely "hearing," which is significantly more passive, good listening is active. Making sure the person speaking to us understands we are actually present with them is the goal of listening.
Oftentimes, people enter conversations with predetermined goals, such as being heard or avoiding being heard, or even ending the conversation. True listening requires empathy as a fundamental component. The speaker will feel heard and understood besides being listened to.
How To Be A Good Listener
Although listening may seem intuitive to some, some people are better than others at it. Learning about the art of listening is a valuable tactic if we wish to improve our interpersonal connections. How does one become a good listener?
- Establish eye contact.
- Make appropriate facial expressions.
- Do not get distracted.
- Avoid interrupting.
- Listen without prejudice.
- Pay attention to nonverbal cues.
- Don't focus on your response, but on understanding
- Clarify that you are paying attention.
It takes skill to listen. Like any other art form, listening takes both dedication and practice. You'll get better at listening with each empathic discussion you have.