Walking for Stress Relief

Has your day got you tied up in knots? Do you feel a frustrated scream building up inside you to the point you’re ready to burst? Does every little thing in your environment set your teeth on edge? If so, it’s a good indication you might be under a bit of stress.
The good news is that you’re not alone, and there are tons of great ways to help relieve stress. In fact, one of the best ways might also be the easiest. Take a good old-fashioned walk.
Spending time in the great outdoors is not only a way to blow off a little steam, but it’s proven to help reduce stress. A study by the University of Edinburgh found that people's stress levels are directly related to the amount of green space around them. A brisk walk can also boost feel-good endorphins in your body that help ward off stress and can alleviate mild depression.
Taking a walk also gets you away from the factors that are causing your stress. Whether it’s a noisy house or a busy office, stepping away gives your mind a chance to wander. You may be able to see the situation in a new light.
You can even take it a step further and choose a fun walking companion. It can not only give you the chance to have a little fun and share and joke or two, but it gives you a chance to talk out your problems.
So if you’ve already squeezed your stress ball into unrecognizable goo, take a walk and enjoy the world around you.