There are people in this country who work hard every day
Not for fame or fortune do they strive
But the fruits of their labor are worth more than their pay
And it's time a few of them were recognized
Hello, America. Let me thank you for your time
- Alabama
Do you remember learning about Labor Day in school? An American holiday since the 1880s, it celebrates what workers can accomplish together when they organize. Unions and the labor movement fought for things like Social Security, the 8-hour workday, unemployment insurance, and against child labor. While unions are on the decline nowadays, the American Worker is still out there, more often in the form of a self-employed individual, exhibiting that same spirit of risk-taking, ambition, and hard work that put Labor Day on the calendar.
on Tuesday, 01 September 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle
If you've established a Twitter account for your business, one of your main goals is to accumulate followers. But who should YOU follow?
While it seems like the polite thing to do is to follow anyone who follows you, oftentimes this isn't a very effective strategy. Neither is following people in the hopes of having them return the favor. You're setting yourself up for a Twitter feed that is cluttered with information that isn't helpful to you or to your business.
A great place to start following may be your competitors. Rather than looking at them as opponents, realize that people in your industry share many of the same issues you do, and can be a valuable resource. Even new businesses in your field can be good to follow—if they are unable to serve a customer for some reason, you could be in a position to get a referral.
on Tuesday, 18 August 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
“After all is said and done, more is said than done.”— Anonymous
If you Google “procrastination,” you'll get over 11.5 million results. It's a problem just about everybody encounters from time to time. Many people agonize over never seeming to get anything done or only finishing projects at the last minute. Not only does procrastination cause a lot of stress, but it can also deplete one's self-esteem and confidence.
It’s not all doom and gloom though. The truth is we DO usually (finally) accomplish things. But often we've put ourselves through so much emotional or mental tension that we only see that we've procrastinated once again. Most chronic procrastinators keep to-do lists with the hope that somehow it will change things this time; often they've put things off so long that the list is so long they'll never manage to finish it.
on Tuesday, 04 August 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle
It's been three years since this article “5 Things to Know Before You Start a Marketing Plan” was published. Content marketing is still such a new creature to most of us that it might be a good idea to expand on some of that information, and look at how you can use it to finish out the calendar year on a roll.
What's in it for your customers? The main benefits for most customers are time and money—are you addressing both of these? Customers appreciate being informed of sales and other specials, but it's just as important to be considerate of their time. Are you delivering your messages in a timely fashion? Are you consistently reminding clients of appointments? Do you have a system in place to let them know their purchase is ready to be picked up? Are your customers able to access your content quickly? Marketing often involves tying up these loose ends.
on Tuesday, 21 July 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
business systems content marketing
There probably isn't a week that goes by when you don't notice an ad on a website or in your email talking about “creating killer content”. So what does it really mean, and why do you need to do it?
Content marketing is often sought out by customers. It offers them the information they’re looking for when they need it the most.
Here's how to make it work for you:
on Tuesday, 14 July 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Marketing Tips
content marketing creative thinking
Herding cats is hard work. Just ask any of the ranch hands in the award-winning EDS ad made back in 2001. The slippery felines gave them all they could handle and more. Proud, independent and stubborn, every cat wanted to make its own way whether the ranch hands wanted it to or not. Does it sometimes feel like keeping your customers happy is a lot like cat herding?
A key recommendation by Dan S. Kennedy, the marketing expert, is to build a fence around your cats (customers) to keep out poachers and to prevent them from going off on their own. Just because your customer has made a purchase from you in the past doesn't mean he or she is your customer forever. It's important to try to offer your clients extra products and services -- extra value -- that will keep them coming back to you.
on Tuesday, 07 July 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Marketing Tips
content marketing joomla membership sites
When we left for Pine Point Beach in Maine for a few days of R&R, I had high hopes of doing some research I’d been wanting to do in between relaxing on the beach and generally chilling out.
That was Tuesday.
On Sunday, I was shocked to realize our time away was slipping like sand through an hourglass. I completed only about ¼ of my research and didn’t really start relaxing until Friday. Clearly my plans and my execution were not in sync.
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Wednesday, 17 June 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle