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Articles in Category: Life & Lifestyle

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

The celebration of St. Patrick's Day on March 17th is associated with fun parades and all things green! It has been a religious feast in Ireland for more than a millennium. It was traditionally commemorated with religious feasts and ceremonies in honor of St. Patrick’s Death in 461. The tradition later transformed into a secular celebration of Irish culture after immigrants moved to the United States. Now, this holiday is widely celebrated in Canada, Australia, and throughout the United States.

Healthy Resolutions

Healthy Resolutions

With the start of every New Year, we all hope there's a healthy new us just around the corner. Instead of finding the same old us two or three months from now, here are a few things we can do differently this year:

The Joy of Christmas

The Joy of Christmas

"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas ...perhaps ... means a little bit more!"

~ Dr. Seuss (from How the Grinch Stole Christmas)

The holidays are bright and beautiful. There’s nothing quite like going out on a chilly night to see the lights glistening against a backdrop of new fallen snow. You have tinsel sparkling and carolers singing. You might catch the aforementioned Dr. Seuss Christmas special on TV or maybe go old school with the classic It’s a Wonderful Life. There’s the anticipation of the big day, and of course, there’s the wonderful smorgasbord of holiday goodies to munch on, made even more special by the fact that you only get to enjoy them for a short time.

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving is the most widely celebrated holiday in the United States. For many families, this is the only time during the year that they are together, and they have many ways to celebrate their togetherness - mainly the annual feast. 

As the story goes, the first Thanksgiving was all about the pilgrims being thankful for the food that had been provided to them by the local Wampanoag tribe, and even today, when we think of counting our blessings, food should be included.

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughing just feels good. When you laugh really hard, tears may fill your eyes and your stomach may hurt, but it stills feels good. Laughter is fun. Probably some of your best memories are of you and your friends or family laughing together. You always remember a funny movie or a really good joke that made you laugh out loud. Laughter brings joy to your life.

How active are you?

How active are you?

Getting active is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. By starting young, you can build a fun and healthy habit for a lifetime. Teens and young adults can find ways to live healthy and happy through sports activities in high school and beyond.

Parents (and grandparents) -- please feel free to share this with the middle- and high- school students in your family and circle of friends. Playing athletics in a healthy and smart way will help them gain skills that last a lifetime.

Simple steps to better health

Simple steps to better health

In order to stay in shape, we must do more than just eat right and exercise. A healthy lifestyle also involves maintaining good mental health, a positive attitude, and a strong sense of self. But where do you start? What is the best approach to achieving a healthier version of yourself?

The simple adjustments you can make right now can lead to positive changes down the road. Keep a slow and steady approach. Begin by identifying bad habits and taking action to address and change them. Starting new and healthier habits is challenging but if you stick to them, they will easily become a part of your daily routine.

Keeping your New Year's Resolutions

Keeping  your New Year's Resolutions

A new year's resolution list is relatively easy to make, but fulfilling everything on the list proves to be the most challenging. If you want to break from the cycle of failing your resolutions every year, you should know how to fire up your motivation and never give up when faced with obstacles. This sounds easier said than done.

We all have different goals from stabilizing our personal growth and adopting healthier habits to focusing on our happiness. Whatever you plan to achieve this year is doable if you believe in yourself. But that alone is often not enough to follow through with what we have written on our list.

5 Ways to Survive the Stress of the Holidays

Your goal during the holidays should be to enjoy yourself and your loved ones, but that's practically impossible to do if you're feeling too much stress. Here are some things you can do to prevent that anxiety from spoiling your good times:

1. Pay attention to your health.
Too many projects and activities can stress anyone out, but don't let them keep you from taking care of yourself. Make sure you're getting plenty of sleep, eating properly, and exercising. Combat winter's dry air by taking steamy showers. Dress warmly and appropriately during cold weather. There's nothing like getting sick to take all the fun out of the holiday season.

Change Your Diet to Increase Energy

Change Your Diet to Increase Energy

Feeling blah? Maybe it's the potato chips. Or the coffee. Yes, it really could be your diet. We have a tendency to first turn to caffeine when we're running low on energy, but then we can feel jittery and have that hard crash. Instead of coffee, try some green tea. There's still some caffeine content, but green tea contains an amino acid, L-theanine, which helps promote relaxation, so you won't get that jittery feeling.

Teaching Kids about Money

Teaching Kids about Money

It's never too early to start teaching your children about money. Even preschoolers can begin to understand money concepts by playing pretend store or restaurant games. 

Money lessons for five-year-olds

At age five, you can teach your child words like savings, bank, check, bills, and trade-off. A piggy bank is an easy way to demonstrate how the child can save for something that he or she really wants. Make a game of it; count the coins once a month, and create a chart showing how close they are to their goal.