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Articles in Category: Life & Lifestyle

5 Killer Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

5 Killer Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could toss extra pounds we've gained over the holidays in the trash along with the Thanksgiving turkey carcass? If only we could take off the weight as easily as we can take down the decorations!

The easiest way to lose weight after the holidays is to avoid putting it on in the first place. “Easy??!!” you ask. “But—but--pumpkin pie! Grandma's fudge! And Mom's wonderful lumpy mashed potatoes!!!” So how can you have your cakes (and pies, and other treats) and eat them too?

Walking for Stress Relief

Walking for Stress Relief

Has your day got you tied up in knots? Do you feel a frustrated scream building up inside you to the point you’re ready to burst? Does every little thing in your environment set your teeth on edge? If so, it’s a good indication you might be under a bit of stress.

The good news is that you’re not alone, and there are tons of great ways to help relieve stress. In fact, one of the best ways might also be the easiest. Take a good old-fashioned walk. 

Counting Calories or Counting Fat

Counting Calories or Counting Fat

If you’ve ever tried reading the nutrition label on something you’re about to buy, then you know it can be confusing. What is really healthy for you and what isn’t? Should you worry more about calorie count or fat content?

It depends on what your goals are. If pure weight loss is your aim, you’ll want to pay more attention to calorie count. If you’re trying to reduce your cholesterol, then the fat content of your food may be more important. 

Labor Day

Labor Day

Members of the Central Labor Union first staged a Labor Day celebration in New York City on September 5, 1882. By 1884, the holiday moved to its current spot on the first Monday of the month of September, and the idea started to spread like wildfire among American workers around the country. In 1894, the holiday got the official approval of Congress, and Labor Day has marked the end to summer ever since. 

Back to School Shopping

Back to School Shopping

Remember the back-to-school ad with parents frolicking through a store followed by their unhappy children, while the song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing? Cute commercial, but for parents on a tight budget, back-to-school shopping can be anything but wonderful. Read on for some ways to keep your spending under control.

Summer Heat

Summer Heat

We all know with summer comes the heat! It's so important to be aware of the dangers of heat and how to keep safe.

Elderly people (that is, people aged 65 years and older) are more prone to heat stress than younger people for several reasons:

  • Elderly people do not adjust as well as young people to sudden changes in temperature.
  • They are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat.
  • They are more likely to take prescription medicines that impair the body's ability to regulate its temperature or that inhibit perspiration.

What I Learned From Dad

What I Learned From Dad

What are the 5 most important things you learned from your father? 

Father’s Day is right around the corner, on Sunday, June 20th. This is a good time to give some thought to what the ‘old man’ taught you and show him appreciation for it. Even if your dad is no longer around, it can be beneficial for you to take a few minutes and remember the tips and life wisdom he gave you as you were growing up.

What’s in Your Garden?

What’s in Your Garden?

Ever picked your own tomato from your garden? Or cut your own fresh herbs to add to the supper you are cooking? If you haven’t, you are missing out on one of the great natural rewards in life.

Growing your own vegetables or herbs can be fun, good exercise, cost-saving, and rewarding at the dinner table. All good reasons to consider gardening, if you aren’t already doing it.

Celebrate the Veterans around You

Celebrate the Veterans around You

November 11th is Veterans Day, a day to honor and give thanks to all those who are serving and have served in the US Armed Forces. Are you looking for some ideas on how to ensure the veterans in your community know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made to keep our country free?

Stand and cheer! Many towns organize parades or other events for Veterans Day. Here is some information you should know:

Choosing the Right Shoes for Exercising

Choosing the Right Shoes for Exercising

No matter what fitness program you choose: if your feet aren't happy, you’re not likely to continue exercising for very long. The footwear you choose can also affect more than just your feet. Back problems and joint ailments often stem from inadequate shoes.

It can be overwhelming shopping for athletic shoes—there are countless choices, and it can be quite expensive. Here are some things to consider when you're deciding what to purchase:

3 Tips for Getting a Good Night of Sleep

3 Tips for Getting a Good Night of Sleep

You’ve tossed and turned all night. As you start out the next morning, you have only to rub your tired eyes to know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, however. Here are some tips to help you get the rest you need:

Set a regular schedule. Most people have a natural waking/sleeping pattern called the Circadian Rhythm. The more in tune you are with your body’s natural sleep schedule, the more energized and refreshed you’ll feel. When the body is in rhythm, it can make better use of the time it has to rest.

Enjoy Summer Produce

Enjoy Summer Produce

Are you getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables? You can usually find delicious local produce during the summer months. Make healthy eating child’s play with these fun activities.

Have a picnic at a farmer’s market. Local markets offer an amazing variety of produce and other homemade products. Find a farmer’s market near your home and turn an ordinary afternoon into a scavenger hunt for nutritious and delicious food. Make silly games out of trying new foods. For example, is it possible to make a whole meal from foods of only one color?  Or can you find a different food for every letter of the alphabet? When the shopping is done, find a place to spread out a blanket and gobble up the freshest food of summer.  

Why Not Walk?

Why Not Walk?

Census statistics are an indicator of trends over years, even decades. Why do we care about statistics about walking? It makes us stop and look at our own activity compared to the overall population. Where do we fit? What are we doing for our own health?

More than 145 million adults now include walking as part of their physically active lifestyle. That’s more than 6 out of 10 people. 

Surviving the Summer Heat

Surviving the Summer Heat

Summer is here and with it comes heat and more heat. That means it’s really essential that we pay attention to staying hydrated.

Dehydration is a serious matter and nothing to mess around with. Seniors, children, and anyone with an acute or chronic medical condition are especially at risk.