Does the thought of holiday shopping leave you with that not-so-merry feeling? Here are some tips that can help save you time, money, and stress this holiday season:
on Tuesday, 08 November 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
Feeling blah? Maybe it's the potato chips. Or the coffee. Yes, it really could be your diet. We have a tendency to first turn to caffeine when we're running low on energy, but then we can feel jittery and have that hard crash. Instead of coffee, try some green tea. There's still some caffeine content, but green tea contains an amino acid, L-theanine, which helps promote relaxation, so you won't get that jittery feeling.
on Tuesday, 11 October 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
It's never too early to start teaching your children about money. Even preschoolers can begin to understand money concepts by playing pretend store or restaurant games.
Money lessons for five-year-olds
At age five, you can teach your child words like savings, bank, check, bills, and trade-off. A piggy bank is an easy way to demonstrate how the child can save for something that he or she really wants. Make a game of it; count the coins once a month, and create a chart showing how close they are to their goal.
on Tuesday, 13 September 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
An exciting summer vacation doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. The United States of America maintains hundreds of national park and beach sites just for you! Visit the National Park Service website to find locations near to your home or far, far away. Many national parks offer admission for free or for a low price. Read on for some cool things you can do at national recreation sites.
on Tuesday, 16 August 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
It’s summertime and kids can’t wait to get out on their bikes on any sunny day. Depending on where you live, your children might already be out, buzzing around the neighborhood.
Bicycling accidents are too frequent and nothing to mess around with. Here are some safety tips for you and your kids to think about:
on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
The smell of the grill, the sultry heat of a summer evening, fireworks lighting up the night— the 4th of July means summer is in full swing.
The tradition of celebrating the 4th of July goes back to the very beginning of the United States, though it wasn’t officially marked as a federal holiday until 1870. Back in the early days, red and blue paper was expensive and hard to come by so George Washington and his troops started using decorative greenery to mark the occasion.
on Tuesday, 21 June 2022.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle
Have you ever watched a great movie or television show and been so wrapped up in it that you went to the Internet to find out more? Maybe you watched ‘Behind the Scenes’ videos or read about the personal lives of the cast. With that in mind, let’s take a behind the scenes look at some of Hollywood’s greatest holiday stories.
on Tuesday, 21 December 2021.
Posted in Insights, Life & Lifestyle