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The Value of Giving

At some point you’ve probably sat beside someone who’s complaining about the news. The complaint usually goes something like: “It’s always war and death and tragedy!” Maybe you agreed with them or maybe you just rolled your eyes. It does sometimes seem like the complainer has a point though. Why can’t they just print something happy? Well, there’s a way to change that negative narrative, at least in a small way. That’s just one small example of the value of community service.

There are many good reasons for community service, not the least of which is making your community a better place. As a small business, especially one in the twenty-first century, the bulk of your business presence may be online; however you still live and work in a community. You drive on the neighborhood roads, frequent the stores and your kids attend the local schools. Wouldn’t it be great if that community were a better place to live? It’s a tangible benefit that keeps on giving.

Helping the people in your community makes good business sense. It generates the type of good will that no amount of advertising can buy, because you’re not just talking about lending a helping hand. No, you’re actually doing it. People will see that and respond. You’re creating a reputation in the community that can pay dividends both short and long term.

Properly done, community service also makes for a great marketing opportunity. Sure, you genuinely care about the people in your community, but if it provides more exposure for your brand, so much the better. The more people see you and associate you with something worthwhile, the more you can grow your brand.

Local newspapers are filled with plenty of photos of business leaders presenting checks to charitable organizations. What better publicity could you ask for? Most charitable organizations you partner with are only too happy to return the favor by recognizing your efforts in their published magazines, websites and other supported events.

When it comes time to make a sale in your local community you’re not just some faceless corporate entity. Your marketing isn’t some random online ad screaming for attention over dozens of similar digital pitches. No, you’re a face they recognize. You’re the guy or gal that helped out with the blood drive or sponsored the fund raiser to help the local wildlife refuge. You’re that company that appeared on the literature of their favorite charity.

And if all of the above wasn’t enough to get you involved in community service, remember that donating material and money to a recognized 501(c) charity is also a tax write-off.

Community service is a great way to give ‘em something good to talk about. You’re not only generating positive press for yourself, you’re making your community a better place to live. And the next time you hear that complainer, you’ll have something positive to respond with.