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Who Are You Marketing To?

“Everyone is not YOUR customer.”      ~  Seth Godin

That little nugget of wisdom is worth writing down and then pinning up where you'll see it. It makes things so much easier when you discover who your ideal customers and clients are, because then you only have to market to them. Your marketing will become less generic and more personal when you know who it is you're “speaking to.”

Before we discuss how to find YOUR ideal customers, take a look at how two entrepreneurs found theirs and what their marketing looks like:

  • Angelia Trinidad is the founder and CEO of Passion Planner, a planner that focuses on goals and how to reach them. If you look through her website, you can see exactly who her ideal customers are: college students and entrepreneurs, mainly women. Check out her Youtube channel, which features videos on how to customize your planner, advice for entrepreneurs, and tips on reaching your goals.
  • A subscription to Universal Yums, founded by Monique Bernstein and Eli Zauner, will bring you a box of snacks and candies from around the world each month, along with a small educational booklet. This idea certainly appeals to their target audience—families with young children, teachers, and people who dream of traveling. Their online presence focuses on things that will interest their customers like music videos from around the world, and fun images about snacks around the world on their Instagram and Facebook.

So how do you create your perfect customer, sometimes called a customer avatar in business circles? Well, if you’re an Infusionsoft user, there is actually a customer avatar template you can download that helps you with the process.

The template is simple to use, though you’ll get out of it what you put into it. Where do your customers hang out? What pizza do they eat? Are they night owls? Do they have children? The more you know, the better it will work.

These details help you in so many ways—designing your website, writing email newsletters that will actually be read and posting social media content that your clients enjoy. You may even have more than one ideal avatar, so be sure to hone in on each one with as many details as you can think of.

Marketing can be wonderfully rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming if you let it. Don't waste your time marketing to EVERYONE—find YOUR customers and get personal!