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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


Take a Break to Be Your Best

“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”

    ~ Roald Dahl

You get up. You get dressed. Whether it’s downtown or just down the hall, you go into the ‘office’ and get ready to start your day. You spend most of it solving problems, both your own and everyone else’s. At the end of the day, you go home (or back down the hallway) to get some well-earned rest.

Weekly Featured Resource - iMember360

Featured Resource this week - iMember360

WordPress Membership Plugin for Infusionsoft™

Unleash the power of WordPress and iMember360 to create your Infusionsoft™ driven membership site instantly! iMember360 - a WordPress plugin that turns a normal WordPress site into a full-featured membership site with all the protection controls you can imagine, almost limitless customization, and driven by Infusionsoft’s second-to-none CRM and e-commerce engine.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - TurboDial

Featured Resource this week - TurboDial

This Personal Communicator brings the Power of Infusionsoft to your Inside Sales Campaigns!

With turboDial you never leave Infusionsoft – place a phone call to any contact at any time right from MyDay, from a saved search or from contact and opportunity records!

Plan your calls in advance or make them spontaneously – turboDial is the only solution effective for both

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


What’s your followup?

What’s your followup?

What is your procedure when you get a lead? When you get a customer? To retain a customer? Any other time?

Look, followup is the most important thing that you can do.

Coach Up Your Business with a Professional Marketing Coach

If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably seen some great athletes in your time. Whether they’re scoring a touchdown, dunking a basketball or hitting a grand slam, they’re marvels of grace, speed and power. What do many of these athletes have in common? Well, they rely on their natural gifts to overcome their opposition, and of course most of them have worked incredibly hard for their success.

What’s Your Summer Marketing Plan?

It’s finally warm outside! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and the grass is actually green instead of the funky shade of brown it’s been for the past eight months. You can be forgiven if you’re a lot more excited about getting back out on the golf course or planning your garden than you are about your marketing plan. After all, half your staff is planning to be out on vacation, and summer is presumably the slow season for many businesses anyway. And really, the only holiday worth mentioning during the whole stretch is the 4th of July.


Freedom is More Than a Bumper Sticker

“Freedom isn’t free.”

“Land of the free because of the brave.”

Got Freedom?

If you’re out grabbing your beer, hamburgers and charcoal in preparation for Memorial Day you’ve probably noticed some of these slogans. They appear on everything from beer cozies to T-shirts to flip-flops, and on a busy day you can see them in parking lots from Albuquerque to Zanesville. For the most part, we pass them on our way to buy and don’t give them any more thought than we might give an abandoned shopping cart.

How Do You Give Back to the Community?

The weather forecast for Houston was grim on August 24th, 2017. Hurricane Harvey, weakened by its passage through the Caribbean, had regained its strength and was now a Category 4 storm. It was barreling across the Gulf of Mexico and had Houston dead in its sights. The result would go on to make history, and not in a good way.

Are You Ready For Q3?

No great invention springs out of thin air. Despite all the talk about spontaneous genius or claims that “it just came to me,” great innovations are almost always built on the backs of smaller ideas that came before. Most of the time, progress is evolutionary more often than revolutionary.

Shake Things Up With a Summer Flash Sale

Everyone in marketing talks about the summer slump, and like it or not, summer marketing does present its share of challenges. The weather’s warm, there are tons of other things to do and people are thinking more about red-hot vacation deals than red-hot marketing campaigns. All is not lost however. Why not get things going with a summer flash sale?

Integrating Your Joomla Membership Website with Infusionsoft

If you’ve been reading our other articles, you know we talk a lot about the importance of content marketing. With the media world moving away from traditional (and often expensive) forms of advertising like television, and more towards 21st-century media like Twitter and Facebook and your website, content marketing has become more important than ever. It allows you to tell your story and the story of your company in a unique way. Who are you? Why should someone buy from you rather than the thousand other companies? Content marketing allows you to put a human face on your marketing and gives customers a reason to choose you.

Weekly Featured Resource - Time Fusion

Featured Resource this week - Time Fusion

Automate Your Appointments

Are you using TimeTrade or Full Slate to give your clients online access for setting appointments with you? If not, you should be!

TimeFusion integrates Infusionsoft with TimeTrade and Full Slate to automate your appointment scheduling!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Digital Product Delivery

Featured Resource this week - Digital Product Delivery

Digital Publishing for eBooks and Downloads

DPD is an easy to use digital publishing platform for selling and delivering downloadable content. Upload your products to DPD and start selling in minutes. With DPD, all sales are paid directly to you with no per-sale fees, bandwidth charges, or commissions.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Featured Resource this week - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Call Monitoring Integrated With Infusionsoft!

Novice marketers focus on getting the lead, but experienced marketers know that the job is only done when dollars exchange hands. You can cut the cost of generating a sale by 50% or more when you monitor and track how well incoming calls are being handled.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.