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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


Remote Workers vs. Office Workers

“Earn more than $100 dollars an hour working from home!”

Chances are you’ve seen at least one of these ads in your time, and you may have wondered what exactly it entailed. Working from home is the dream of many a cubicle dweller, not to mention more than a few of their bosses. Who wouldn’t want to say goodbye to rush hour traffic, snowy roads and crowded parking lots? But does the reality really live up to the hype?

Easy Ways to Add Fitness to Your Day

You know you should work out. Right?

We’ve all read the statistics about how it can make us more productive. You know it can help you be healthier and happier. You also know there’s another deadline coming up, you have a bunch of client meetings, and there isn’t a smidgeon of white space to be found anywhere on your schedule. 

I’ve discovered it’s actually surprisingly easy to add some fitness routines to your day during those ‘stolen moments’ that almost every day has in there somewhere. Here are a half dozen that sound pretty cool to test out:

Weekly Featured Resource - Centerpointe

Featured Resource this week - Centerpointe

Did you know that if your head isn't in the right place, you can sabotage your business and personal success? Centerpointe's premier introductory product, Holosync, gives you ALL the benefits of meditation – in a fraction of the time – and without spending years learning how...

What if you could meditate like a Zen monk, literally at the touch of a button?

  • Increase your threshold for stress…deal with the ups and down of life much more easily…protect yourself from serious physical and emotional problems caused by stress...
  • Create whole-brain thinking…dramatically increase mental abilities, creativity, learning ability, focus and concentration...
  • End anxiety, fear, anger, depression, sadness, self-sabotage, substance abuse, and overeating...
  • Be happier, more peaceful, more compassionate, more at ease...


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Keep Up to Date with Your Accounting

Of all the things you do to power a small business, going over the books probably isn’t the sexiest. For many people, it’s a necessary evil at best. While Excel spreadsheets and Quickbooks tables usually don’t inspire our passion to new heights, there is no reason to put off the job. The sooner you get done, the faster you can move on to the more fun aspects of running a business.

To speed the process along, here are 3 accounting habits you should adopt:

Weekly Featured Resource - Wicked Reports

Featured Resource this week - Wicked Reports

WARNING: Half Your Marketing Is Wasted.  Do You Know Which Half?  We Do.

We automatically pull data from your ad networks. We then apply over 10,000 lines of database logic to track sales revenue to specific clicks, ads, audiences, campaigns and emails (we’re the only ones who do this!).

We then translate all this data into easy to use marketing reports so you can make data-driven decisions about your business and make more money!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Planning Your Summer Marketing

When you’re planning out your mid-year marketing, it’s important to remember summer will be back even though it might not feel like it at the moment. More importantly, it’s a chance to remind your customers of it, too. Winter is a harsh time when customers aren’t inclined to open their wallet. Summer brings good memories of sun and fun, and when people are feeling relaxed and comfortable, they’re a lot more inclined to make purchases.

It’s that mindset you want to get them into with your marketing. To do this, look for ways to incorporate summer themes into your marketing.

Weekly Featured Resource - iMember360

Featured Resource this week - iMember360

WordPress Membership Plugin for Infusionsoft™

Unleash the power of WordPress and iMember360 to create your Infusionsoft™ driven membership site instantly! iMember360 - a WordPress plugin that turns a normal WordPress site into a full-featured membership site with all the protection controls you can imagine, almost limitless customization, and driven by Infusionsoft’s second-to-none CRM and e-commerce engine.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Automate the Obvious

What tasks do you do repeatedly, day after day after day? What tasks fall through the cracks in your lead or sales or followup or work process?

These are the things to automate. You’ll save your sanity by leveraging your time and energy. Automating the routine tasks you do, or forget to do, adds consistency and efficiency to your business.

Leverage your expertise

Leverage your expertise

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you and your company have developed some specialized expertise in your chosen business area. Some of it is likely proprietary but much of it you have no problem sharing. Or at least you should have no problem sharing as it can be a great way to get new clients/customers/patients and keep existing ones.

An often overlooked way to share that information is through a membership website. Sure, you need to have some information on the public side of your website, but you can keep the real juicy gems for those who sign-up as members.

Tips to Improve Your Brain Power

The world is full of smart people. Maybe it’s your neighbor across the way who can speak five languages without batting an eye, or your cousin who likes to remind you about her perfect SAT score. Go to the Guinness Book of World Records, and you can read about other geniuses like Stephen Hawking, who solve cosmological puzzles that would melt the minds of lesser beings.

The same question AGAIN?!

The same question AGAIN?!

Anyone who handles customer service in their business understands that feeling when the customer or prospect asks the same question again… and again. You paste a smile on your face  and be careful what you type when you respond with the same answer again… and again.

In all fairness, sometimes it’s the same question but a different person asking it. But the frustration is the same when you have to answer the same question over and over.

Supporting Worthy Charities

Everyone needs a helping hand. Look around the world, the country or even your own community and you can find plenty of worthy causes to support. The problem is your resources are limited, so you have to pick and choose. To complicate matters, some of these ‘charities’ will help the people or issues they say they will, while others will just help themselves.

How do you tell the difference? The first place to stop may be the Internet. Here are 3 of the top charity online vetting services:

Is Your Website Secure?

Is Your Website Secure?

The answer is not obvious. A better question might be “Should I Change Hosting Providers?” The answer to that question is ‘maybe’.

You likely spent a chunk of change on your website and a reasonable amount more on other marketing driving prospects and clients to your website. In addition, you may have read my articles on why everyone needs a membership site and set one up on your site. Or maybe worst of all, you do eCommerce on your site and it’s not protected.