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Marketing Matters & More Blog
Business insights, lifestyle tweaks, and the whimsical!


What Not To Do with Your Automated Marketing

We all love our gadgets. From our classic kitchen appliances to the latest and greatest cell phone app, we’re surrounded by them. They’re great when they work. It’s when they don’t work that things begin to get complicated.

Technology giveth and sometimes technology taketh away it seems. 

Weekly Featured Resource - SMS Conversations

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Change the RULES of Mobile Marketing.

Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Q4 marketing checklist for you

It’s about a month until Q4. Do you have your marketing strategy ready to roll? Without a plan, you’ll flounder for one more quarter and be in exactly the same position at the start of Q1 as you are today.

We just created a simple checklist for you and your team to put some clarity and organization around your Q4 marketing, with an eye towards getting better results for you.

Get the checklist.

Here’s to a brilliant Q4!

Automation is Your Best Friend

The antique shop on the corner is really neat. You go through the door, and on your left there’s a 1910 Victrola, beautifully preserved. Overhead are some ladies’ hats and clothing from local merchants, proudly handmade. Everything in the store calls you back to a simpler time when craftsmanship counted and automated machines weren’t stamping out cheap, shoddy products by the millions.

While the stroll back through time might be fun, don’t let that yearning for yesteryear fool you into thinking automation and quality can’t go hand in hand. Automation frees up time, money and resources so you can concentrate on your business. It means one less hat you have to wear during the course of a busy day.

Weekly Featured Resource - SLS Event Planning

Featured Resource this week -


Sherrie at SLS Event Planning and Consulting LLC, organizes, sets up, and manages various corporate, public, and private events and meetings.

We’ve known Sherrie a long time and have confidence and respect for her amazing event planning skills, so please give her our regards when you call.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Mute the world.

If you work within the current craze of open office space, or even in a home office or on the beach, you know what it’s like to try to focus when there’s activity and distraction surrounding you.

Kerry and I have separate adjacent offices but they’re not hermetically sealed so sound travels and it’s easy to get distracted. When you’re trying to do creative work or focus for productivity, it can be downright annoying when the noise around you breaks your concentration and you have to start again.

Picking the Right Media to Reach Your Ideal Client

In a recent blog post, we talked about how to identify your ideal client and what to say to them. Now that you know who they are, let’s move on to the science of choosing the right media to convey your message.

You have a good idea of your ideal client’s age, gender, education levels and their income. You know what they like and what they don’t. When you sit down on the couch, you can practically imagine having a conversation with them.

What’s Your Message to Your Ideal Client?

You already know trying to market to everyone spreads your resources too thin and results in your message being lost in a sea of similar looking ones.

You’re looking for that ideal client, the perfect fit for your product or service. Have you found them?

If you have, good for you! (If you don’t know who your ideal client is or how to figure it out, give us a call or contact us online for help.)

Wanna be like Elon Musk?

Wanna be like Elon Musk?

Happy New Year! I know I’m 4 months early but I just had to share this killer personal practice with you so you can use Q4 to get a powerful jumpstart on 2018.

If you’re not already one of the elite business leaders in the world, you can borrow their best personal practice that got them where they are and keeps them there.

Spooky Marketing Fun

The chill wind rustles through the paper-dry remnants of summer leaves. A hollow moon peaks out from scattered clouds. And below are a sea of ghosts and goblins, pirates, ninjas and would-be superheroes all vying to see how much candy they can accumulate.

Halloween has grown to become the second largest retail holiday behind only Christmas. In 2016, an estimated 171 million people in the U.S. spent nearly $8.2 billion dollars celebrating spirits and spooks.

Weekly Featured Resource - SMS - Infusionsoft Integration

Featured Resource this week -

Change the RULES of Mobile Marketing.

Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

Try Automated SMS for Only $1!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Clever ways to use cards

Clever ways to use cards

I think that you know by now we are big, big into automating everything but the kitchen sink (hey, maybe we can automate that too… hmmm). Anyway, one thing that you can easily automate is sending out holiday cards, for any holiday or occasion you want.

Doing Your Best Work Outside the Office

On your way to the office, you notice a fellow in a flannel shirt hanging out at Starbucks, his tablet in hand. A block down you spot a middle-aged woman in a café staring keenly at the contents on her laptop. You pass a park and smile to yourself when you see a young couple kicking back in the grass with their headphones on. If only you had the day off like them.

In fact, those people are all hard at work. With real-time global communication and mobile everything, the ‘office’ has gotten a lot bigger these days. Instead of staring at dull walls and cubicles, you can get things done in an environment that relaxes you and helps you do your best work.

Weekly Featured Resource - Infusionsoft

Featured Resource this week - Infusionsoft

The Sales & Marketing Software for Small Business.

Customer & Marketing management: Manage and automate all facets of your customer relationships. Infusionsoft revolutionizes the way small businesses drive and manage their growth. With a robust dose of marketing automation, Infusionsoft replaces your diverse incompatible systems and provides you with an "all-in-one" solution that leaves you with more time to strategically grow your business.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

2017 Trends for Your Success

2017 Trends for Your Success

There are people whose sole focus is uncovering and watching important trends in business and I, for one, am grateful for their persistence.

In an excellent article I recently read by Ian Altman on Forbes, he outlines 10 trends that will drive success in 2017. Realistically, not all of them will be critical to your business or mine but they are worth looking at and considering what the impact might be on your business and business in general.