Featured Resource this week - Infusionsoft
The Sales & Marketing Software for Small Business.
Customer & Marketing management: Manage and automate all facets of your customer relationships. Infusionsoft revolutionizes the way small businesses drive and manage their growth. With a robust dose of marketing automation, Infusionsoft replaces your diverse incompatible systems and provides you with an "all-in-one" solution that leaves you with more time to strategically grow your business.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Friday, 30 March 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
― Henry Ford
You’re only as old as you feel, so they say. As Henry Ford knew well, that also applies to your mind. Constantly striving to challenge your brain has many dividends.
on Thursday, 22 March 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
Featured Resource this week -
Automagically Email Your Infusionsoft Contacts When You Update Your Blog or Feed
With FeedBolt, simply enter your blog URL, select an Infusionsoft Tag, and choose your template. FeedBolt takes care of the rest.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Friday, 16 March 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
“Beware the Ides of March,” the soothsayer warned Julius Caesar. Naturally, Rome’s would-be dictator ignored this sensible advice and soon perished under the knives of those whom he had counted as friends. The stories we grow up on are filled with similar endings— it might be failing to avoid a black cat, passing under a ladder or walking into that creepy-looking house when all reason says not to. Do you take any of those stories to heart? Are you superstitious about your business?
on Thursday, 08 March 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
Featured Resource this week -
Start Syncing Infusionsoft with Facebook Custom Audiences in Seconds. Deliver Targeted, Money-Getting Ads, Every Time. Double or TRIPLE Your Earnings from every Infusionsoft email contact!
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Friday, 02 March 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
Featured Resource this week -
Automate Your Appointments Never Lose an Email!
Automatically attach your emails to Infusionsoft contact records.
The campaign and broadcast emails you send from Infusionsoft are automatically archived on your contact records. But do you then use personal emails to follow up, answer questions, and close deals? If so, then you need emailAttacher to continue archiving those emails on the contact records.
Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.
on Friday, 23 February 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy
If we are in business, we all have ‘members’. That can be defined in different ways: people who have logins to our membership site, people who belong to our loyalty program, regular customers who we know by sight, etc.
So how do you monetize them above and beyond any product you sell (or give) them normally? Either way, how do you monetize them after all they are already a member?
on Tuesday, 20 February 2018.
Posted in Insights
At some point in your professional career you’ve probably been told there’s a wealth of books out there that will help you achieve your goals. It might be inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who built their businesses from virtually nothing, or maybe tips on personal networking or ancient philosophical texts on leadership. If you’re a Star Trek fan, it might even be the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Knowledge can be found in the most unusual places.
on Thursday, 15 February 2018.
Posted in Business Strategy